4th school.future-iot.org “IoT meets Cyber” takes place in Rennes 29.11.-3.12.2021
The 4th Future-IoT winter school takes place from Nov 29-Dec 3, 2021 in Rennes, France. The event will be hybrid, on-site, via zoom, and via YouTube and LinkedIN. Inform your friends and check the program at https://school.future-iot.org/. We look forward to welcoming you!
Software drives the critical infrastructures around us, such as water and energy supply, communication, transportation, banking, manufacturing and health services.
This year’s edition focuses on different aspects of the software cyberspace – the algorithms that move the things around us -, including cybersecurity.
Marc-Oliver Pahl, co-organizer of the summer school series
The German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future and the chaire Cyber CNI in collaboration with the OCIF team, the IRISA lab and many more organize the 4th Future-IoT PhD school – this time a winter school. The school is under the motto “IoT meets Cyber”. So it is about software and algorithms in the Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical systems – a topic that should be hot for everyone.
The 4th Future-IoT school takes place in the beautiful city of Rennes, only 1,5h by train from Paris. The city and the added value of the on-site participation with the hackathon with people on-site, much better networking, and last but not least the opportunity to getting to know the city make this the best option. At the same time, you can also interactively participate and network via zoom, or you jus follow and interact over YouTube and LinkedIN.
Please inform your friends about the event and participate yourself! On-site for the full experience, via Zoom for half of the experience, and via YouTube and LinkedIN for the keynotes only.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Rennes!
Program: https://school.future-iot.org/
Registration: https://school.future-iot.org/register
Impressions from 2020: https://future-iot.org/category/2020iotmeetssecurity/
Impressions from 2019: https://future-iot.org/category/2019iotmeetsai/
The Future-IoT.org PhD school series runs once a year since 2018. Previous editions are “IoT meets Industry (2018, St Malo)”, “IoT meets AI (2019, Munich)”, “IoT meets Security (2020 in Cyberspace)”.
The series is organized by IMT Atlantique and the Technische Universität München as a flagship event of the Franco-German Academy for the Industry of the Future. The Franco-German series is supported by the Deutsch-Französische Hochschule / Université Franco-Allemande.
Future-IoT.org connects academia and industry. As a result, the series is in collaboration with leading industry partners in France and Germany, including Airbus, ArianeGroup, Atos, AWS, elm.leblanc, Siemens and several other industry partners.
The Future IoT Summer School offers an exciting mix of lectures, hands-on work, and hackathon-style challenges. There’s also plenty of room to get to know each other, network, and explore our host city!