
We shape the future of the Internet of Things

Help us spreading the word: 5th Future-IoT “IoT meets Autonomy”, Berlin 29.8.-2.9.2022

Please help us spreading the news that the registration is open for our 5th Future-IoT.org PhD school on “IoT meets Automation” from Aug 29-Sep2, 2022 in Berlin: https://school.future-iot.org. Below you find the corresponding email. Please share it in your communities via mail, LinkedIN, etc. Looking forward to welcoming many of you and your students in Berlin!

[FIOT rec] Cora Lisa Perner & Paul-Emmanuel Brun (Airbus) – Keynote: Secure connected, multi-modal mobility and using vehicles as sensors

Like & Share: Cora Lisa Perner & Paul-Emmanuel Brun (@Airbus) with a keynote entitled “Secure connected, multi-modal #mobility and using #vehicles as #sensors” at the 4th Future-IoT.org PhD school “IoT meets Cyber and Security” (#fiot)

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