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GTSSLR: Detection and Defense of cyber-physical attacks.

Awaleh presented his thesis work in the framework of the thematic day dedicated to network security held on 11 May 2021 online, in partnership with the GDR “Networks and distributed systems”. The poster, slides, and paper are available on the website of the research group.


Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) is defined as the combination of digital and physical components that interact via a communication network. CPS is the focus of some of the impactful security vulnerabilities in recent history, such as stuxnet or Maroochy Waste Management System, …etc.

Consequently securing CPS is an important challenge, and it is the focus subject of industrial, university and government. CPS are highly integrated at all layers and scale. This integration with the physical world makes CPS vulnerable against some physical attacks. This research aims establishing detection methods against cyber-physical attacks. 

This thesis focuses on the remediation of stealthy adversaries perpetrating cyber-physical attacks. Machine learning is to be applied to cover the verification of data and the discovery of the falsification of events for malicious purposes. Adversarial learning will be addressed as well. The work builds upon the concept of adversarial-learning adaptation and moving target defenses via control and artificial intelligence theory.

The required challenge is to distinguish intentional attacks and component faults. Both need different reactions. The comparison of normal system operation with abnormal behaviour is the basis of all detection anomalies. We are currently exploring the possibility of recording the sound of the testbed, a fishertechnick (model of an industrial mini-factory ). To differentiate between abnormal and normal sound of each engine of the testbed.

GT SSLR 2021

As part of the scientific animation on the topics of the working group “Security of Systems, Software and Networks” (SSLR), a thematic day dedicated to network security was held on May 11, 2021 online, in partnership with the research group “Networks and Distributed Systems”.

The program included guest keynotes and PhD students presentations. More information on scienceconf.org.

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