#FIOT5: on Thu Sep 1 at 9 am (CEST), Laurent Toutain (Acklio) will give a keynote on #Autonomous #management of low power wide area #networks at the 5th Future IoT PhD School (#fiot). Join the live stream!
#FIOT5: on Tue Aug 30 at 9 am (CEST), Pierre Parrend (Uni Strasbourg) will give a keynote on #autonomous #processes in the #circular #economy at the 5th Future IoT PhD School (#fiot). Join the live stream!
#FIOT5: on Mon Aug 29 at 9:30 am (CEST), Marc-Oliver Pahl (IMT Atlantique) will give a keynote on #IoT meets #Autonomy at the 5th Future IoT PhD School (#fiot). Join the live stream!
FIOT5: on Mon Aug 29 at 2 pm (CEST), Falko Dressler (TU Berlin) will give a keynote on hybridized Cyber-Physical-Systems at the 5th Future IoT PhD School (#fiot). Join the live stream!
Like & Share: Pierre Bégout (IMT Atlantique) with a keynote on “Digital Twin a Mixed Reality in the industry” at the 4th Future IoT PhD School (#fiot) “IoT meets Cyber & Security”.
Share and like: On Monday, Nov 29, 2021, at 9:30 am CET, Marc-Oliver Pahl, Chairholder Chair Cyber CNI, IMT Atlantique, Rennes, France gave a keynote entitled “IoT meets Cyber and Security” at the 4th Future-IoT.org Ph.D. school that is under the motto “IoT meets Cyber and Security”.
Now live on the Future IoT PhD School (#fiot): Pierre Bégout (IMT Atlantique) with a keynote on “Digital Twin a Mixed Reality in the industry” Join live stream: https://future-iot.org/live/
Now on the Future IoT School #fiot21: Marc-Oliver Pahl (IMT Atlantique) with a keynote on “IoT meets Cyber and Security” Join live stream: https://future-iot.org/live/
Chers partenaires, chers amis de la chaire Cyber CNI, nous sommes très heureux d’accueillir aujourd’hui à Rennes une délégation d’Airbus Cybersecurity ! A l’occasion de
I was giving a speech on the need for cybersecurity and strong investments in cybersecurity as basis for our modern society on June 10, 2021.
I was invited at the signage event of the German-French Academy for the industry of the future regarding the signing of the partnership with Airbus and ArianeGroup. The event took place at the Ministry of Economy and relance of and with Bruno Le Maire.