
We shape the future of the Internet of Things

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From October 2020 to March 2021, Thibault de Swarte and I, Marc-Oliver Pahl, had the pleasure to work together with our engineering students Edouard FORTUNET, Ludovic FRANCIS, Paul GERMAINE and Quentin JEZEQUEL on an exciting topic: how to use applications to manage crisis better! Enjoy this report and have a look at the final presentation of the results.

Crowdsourced AI-Supported IoT Data-Modeling (IM2021)

Our IM 2021 paper “Crowdsourced AI-Supported IoT Data-Modeling” shows how Artificial Intelligence can help unifying IoT data models during creation. The solution consists of an open repository, an Eclipse-based editor frontend, syntax and semantics validation, and machine-learning supported tagging and completion of data models.

Michael Mörike – Müssen wir Moral in autonome Roboter einbauen?

Die Herstellung von autonomen Robotern wird ein großer Industriezweig im Maschinenbau werden. Wir kaufen uns solche Roboter, weil sie uns lästige Arbeit abnehmen werden. Als Käufer haben wir aber auch Erwartungen daran: Wahrscheinlich wollen wir, dass sie dieselbe Moral anwenden, wie wir sie von Menschen gewohnt sind. Was heißt dies für die aktuelle Diskussion um Ethik und KI?

IoT meets AI 2019 – Opening by Marc-Oliver Pahl (TUM)

This session gives you an overview on the program and the organisers of this years 2nd edition of the Future IoT summer school with the motto “IoT meets AI”.

With @siemens, @DFHUFA, @AFA_DFA, BayFrance, @IMTAtlantiqueEN, @TU_Muenchen

#ai, #artificialintelligence, #automation, #business, #cybersecurity, #engineering, #fiot, #fiot19, #innovation, #internetofthings, #iot, #machinelearning, #robotics, #tech, #technology

Visiting our event location Werk 1 on Aug 22 2019

The 2019 edition of Future-IoT was organized by TU München and Siemens under the motto “IoT meets AI”. We spent a great week in Munich at Werk 1. This post opens the re-distribution of the recordings of the event.

#fiot #fiot19 #iot #technology #internetofthings #ai #tech #robotics #automation #engineering #artificialintelligence #innovation #machinelearning #cybersecurity

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